Team Carptwenty

Graag willen wij ons team voorstellen! Dit team is zorgvuldig samengesteld en heeft een grote bijdrage geleverd aan het tot stand komen van Carptwenty. Zo hebben we heel wat tijd samen gewerkt aan de inrichting en onderhoud van dit gebied. Hieronder zullen alle teamleden zich voorstellen en uiteraard zullen zij ook regelmatig aan de waterkant te vinden zijn. Allemaal hebben ze één gezamenlijke passie: karpervissen!
In 2000 I came to live in Twente and married my wife Stefanie in 2006. We have 3 boys who also went along on a fishing adventure. Before that I grew up together with Jerker in wetland area around Utrecht. At an early age we went fishing with our father in the waters surrounding us. From roaches to pikes, after which the first carp were quickly caught. Since then carp fishing has remained central in our lives. That is why we started pursuing our shared dream a few year ago: managing and building our own carp lake called Carptwenty. I hope that many anglers can enjoy our fishing water in the middle of Twente.
Together with our team, we will do everything we can to our guests a unique carp adventure in the Netherlands!
See you at Carptwenty!
Married to Suzan and together we have two boys. I grew up in the vicinity of the Maarssenveense Plassen and later I lived near the Vinkeveense Plassen for a number of years. In short, my childhood took place in a huge wetland area. Not surprising that you then infected with the carp virus. Together with Maarten I experienced a lot of fishing adventures at home and abroad. How great is it to eventually manage a lake yourself and to set it up for carp fishing to your own vision and wishes. In 2016 we started this adventure and what a job we did and how beautiful it turned out! Many more plans are already in place to make Carptwenty the most beautiful carp water in the Netherlands.
Married to Melanie and together we have a daughter. I work as a machine operator at a company in Almelo. I have been fishing from an early age, even before I could walk. I have been active as a competition angler for a long time and I started carp fishing in the 1980’s. From 1986 I can’t stay away from the water as a carp angler.
Carptwenty started as a boy’s dream for me and has now become a reality. I am allowed to work there (part-time) as a Site manager and I do this with great passion.
See you soon on this beautiful fishing water!
I work as an all-round carpenter at a contractor in the area. I live with my wife and 2 children. My hobbies are carp fishing and football. Carp fishing means relaxation to me and I enjoy being out in the nature. Carptwenty is a home game for me as I only live 5 minutes away. I was asked to become a test angler and I grabbed that opportunity with both hands. It is a beautiful water with a super stock of fish, surrounded by beautiful nature.
I hope to see you soon at Carptwenty!
Born and raised in Almelo and living in Wierden for more than 10 years together with my wife and 2 sons. I work as an electrician at an installation company in Wierden. My hobbies are carp fishing and doing fun things with my sons.
I have been fishing since I was a teenager and after a few years carp fishing became my passion. Carp fishing is a relaxation for me, looking out over the quiet water and enjoying the nature. Carptwenty is a beautiful water! It reminds me a bit of a water in France, but then close to home, less than 10 minutes away. I have already caught some nice carp on this water. I am therefore very happy that I was asked to become a test angler.
See you soon at Carptwenty!